The emergence of offshore wind has transformed the future expectation of where our energy needs will be obtained. Flexlife was originally founded specifically to address the need for independent engineering expertise in flexible products such as unbonded flexible risers, flowlines and umbilicals in the offshore oil and gas industry. This still forms a key part of our ethos while we operate as part of the Seanamic group, however we have adapted to offer valuable services to the offshore wind industry.
Flexlife’s expertise has allowed us to develop an understanding of the challenges faced by the offshore wind industry, particularly in the floating wind sector where our skills and disciplines developed in the oil & gas industry are applied to the offshore wind sector. Our independence has given us a view of the requirements of offshore flexibles which allows us to make unbiased decisions and advice that is best for the operator to allow safe, continued operation of their assets. From our offices in the UK and the US we offer a range of services to meet your offshore wind requirements.
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Our core capabilities cover a range of onshore and offshore engineering support for the offshore wind industry. Most notably this includes:
Our engineering and consultancy services offer a range of support for the sector from our team of professionals. Carried out in house by our experts to relevant industry standards we offer full consultancy and analysis services covering but not limited to the following:
Flexlife offers several patented technologies to assist with challenges faced offshore, including:
FlexGel®. Our corrosion mitigation suite of products
We have a team of qualified and experienced personnel to support your onshore and offshore requirements
Location: Offshore, Germany
Date: Q2-3, 2021
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