The Flexlife Group (Flexlife) and Deep Water Concession Limited of Nigeria are pleased to announce after working together on a number of projects on a non-exclusive basis for the past 2-years, they have formalised their relationship by signing an exclusive Cooperation Agreement to work with each other in Nigeria.
Flexlife is a leading global service provider of specialised engineering, design, delivery, integrity and technology in the area of subsea and topside flexible risers and flow-lines. Deepwater Concession is a leading service provider of Subsea engineering, Pipeline management and construction, Well Engineering, Engineering procurement, PMS and EPC project delivery for the Nigerian oil and gas sector.
Flexlife CEO Garry Millard said:“Our relationship with Deepwater Concession over the last 2-years has developed into a sound technical and trusted partnership, Deepwater Concession are extremely active in developing a Subsea business in Nigeria and provide Flexlife with business development and technical support in-country to enable growth into a region where Flexlife’s services and products are in demand”.
Deepwater Concession’s CEO Vincent Adegbotolu said: “My relationship with Flexlife started many years ago prior to Deepwater Concession, when I was the team leader for all Total UK EP’s North-sea’s subsea and pipeline assets, as Flexlife looked after the ageing risers, giving them a new lease of life well beyond their design life. Having been fully involved in Nigeria for the past 3 years with Deepwater Concession, I rank the Flexlife partnership as one of our most productive to date, having supported some major operators with great feedback. Contrary to the global oil and gas forecast, we see great opportunities in the Nigerian oil and gas sector as asset integrity, asset life extensions and obsolescence management becomes key to sustainable productivity for the region”.
For further information on this announcement or on Flexlife and Deepwater Concession’s products, services or opportunities in the sub-Sahara region, please email: or