Flexlife and Our Partners welcome industry participants, flexible pipe engineersand SME’s to our third Flexible Pipe Forum “Session III Unbonded Flexible Pipe Life Extension”.
Following on from the success of events held in 2013 and 2014, we are back for a third exciting and informative event focused on subsea flexible risers, flow-linesand jumpers.
The intent of the ‘Flexible Pipe Forum” is to bring together O&G operators and service providers either utilising or servicing unbonded flexible pipes. This year’s program will be located at Seanic Ocean Systems in Katy, TX featuring a mix of presentations and in-water demo’s of;
Neptune “UT scanning tool used to determine unflooded and flooded annulus conditions, allowing for detailed amour wire measurement in the flooded state”.
Flexgel “A versatile in-situ solution for repairing outer sheath breaches inside tubes and conduits”.
Flexlife’s Stuart Mitchell, President of Flexlife Americas
“Conditional Monitoring Trough End of Design Life”
Presenting information new technologies recently developed towards inspection, repairand re-analysis of flexible risers. This will be done in tandem with some of these being demonstrated in the state of the art facility at Seanic.
Technip USA’s Bruno Silva, Project Manager Subsea Division
“New Manufacturing Process and Material Selection”
Focus on technical advancements in materials and product selection.
NOV’s Peter Larsen, Technical Sales Manager Houston TX
Peter will be presenting on “Qualification of Multi-section Flexible Risers for Ultra-Deepwater service”.
BSEE Russell Hoshman, Tech Advisor for Regional Field Operations
“Flexible Riser and Flow-Line Life Extension”
This presentation will give operators a fresh perspective from the BSEE point of view regarding the hot topic of “life extension” of unbounded flexible pipe in US waters.
With folks from the BSEE and the API2RIM committee attending, this will be a perfect opportunity to join the discussion around life extension of flexibles.
We plan for this event to run from 10am to 2pm. Lunch will be provided and the presentations are to be followed by an open floor discussion with the presenters.
After the event, we will like to speak with those interested in participating in an advisory role. This group of advisors will drive the curriculum and content in upcoming forums.
We will be sending updates bi-weekly through the event date and ask that you RSVP soonest as we will have limited seating and food.
Kindly confirm your availability to Stephen Burgdorf: Stephen.Burgdorf@flexlife.co.uk , or call (832) 437 7971 where our team are ready to assist.
Event Participants
Oceaneering Subsea Asset Integrity
Seanic Ocean Systems
Technip USA
NOV Flexibles
With special thanks to Quest Offshore.